Internet Marketing Solutions

Does Your Website Support Hyperlocal Digital Directories?

Think about the last time you applied for a job. You probably submitted a resume that included your name, address, email, and phone number. You may have also included a link to a portfolio or personal website that listed the same contact information, as well as details to support the information on your resume.

Now imagine that you had omitted your phone number on your resume. Or you had listed an incorrect email address. Or the details you shared on your website were completely different from what you had laid out on your resume. How would any of these inaccuracies impact the likelihood that a future employer would want to interview you, or even hire you?

Online directories are like the resume of your business. And today, people are using local search results to shop for products and services online. In fact, 92% of people searching for a product or service use an online directory. If your directory listings or website are outdated, incorrect, or incomplete, you might be losing business online.

Here are a few ways your online directory listings and website can work together:

A prospective client expects you to have a website.

If a customer finds your business through a local search, their next logical step is to visit your business website. If you don’t have a website link in your directory listings, your prospects might move on to a business that they can learn more about. Additionally, if your local directory listings include a website link that is outdated or incorrect, your prospect might assume you are no longer in business and move on to someone else.

Your website is open 24/7.

We know that the majority of people searching for a product or service are doing so online. But we don’t know what time they prefer to conduct these searches. Because your website is open 24/7, your customers are more likely to find the information they’re searching for at the time they prefer to search for it.

Use your website to share local and current content.

Search engines are looking for local and current content. Your website, specifically your blog, is the perfect solution for creating this type of relevant content. Updating your blog also shows that you are active not only on your website but also with your business. If your website hasn’t been updated for a while, prospective clients may assume that your business has gone dormant and take their business elsewhere.

Lowcountry Media Solutions offers solutions for online directory management as well as website design. Learn more about how we can help you and your business by contacting us or checking out how your business is listed today.

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