Internet Marketing Solutions

Stop Ignoring Hyperlocal Listings: 3 Reasons Why Digital Directory Management Matters

You know that Google reigns supreme in the game of search, but are you using the internet to the fullest to bring customers in the door? If you’re not paying attention to directory management, then you aren’t. Instead, you’re missing out on the power of hyperlocal search. 

While many of us think of Google first, we also turn to lots of other resources when we look for businesses that provide products and services in our area. These directories, which include sites like Yelp, give us a quick snapshot of what is nearby and help us decide whether or not to pay a visit. 

If your potential customers can find you through hyperlocal listings, then you need to make sure you’re putting your best face forward online. Here are three reasons you should focus more on managing your presence in digital directories.

1) Customers Use “Near Me” Searches More and More

You’ve probably done it yourself. You were visiting a new town and needed a caffeine burst. So you asked Google (or your digital assistant) to show “coffee shops near me.” Or you managed to find the one screw in all of the highway and found yourself on the side of the road asking for “tire shops near me.”  

Your customers also want to know where to find products and services right away. That’s why hyperlocal searches continue to increase

The good news is that these people are typically ready to buy. They are actively seeking businesses just like yours in the moment. 

2) Digital Directories Can Make (Or Break) Your Reputation

We all rely on reviews and feedback before trusting a new company. We want great food at the restaurant and great service at the spa. So we trust the opinions of previous customers to tell us a little bit about a new place.

But that feedback can be misguided. Sometimes a customer was just having a bad day, and they decide to take it out on your TripAdvisor page. All it takes is a few nasty reviews to get potential customers to scroll right by your listing.

Rather than ignore the reviews in digital directories or just hoping for the best, you should actively manage your reputation.

3) Google Cares About Your Local Ranking

When it comes to “right here, right now” hyperlocal searches, it matters where you rank in Google. They want you to have accurate information and multiple (positive) reviews. It also helps to respond to reviews to show that you are actively engaged with your customers. 

Even if they aren’t using the Google search engine directly, your potential clients might be using Google Maps or another application that utilizes your local ranking. 

As you can see, if you’re a business that relies on people actually walking through the door, then you must pay attention to digital directory management. Otherwise, you will get left behind. 

At Lowcountry Media Solutions, we understand how to make hyperlocal listings work for you. Contact us today to find out how we can help you get more people to visit your business. 


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